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The public comment period for the proposed changes to PSRC's Policy Framework for Federal Funds is now closed.
In early 2021, an ad hoc task force of PSRC board members was established to review the policy framework for PSRC’s federal transportation funding process in 2022.
Among other things, the Project Selection Task Force has made the following recommendations:
Develop an Equity Pilot Program
Strengthen criteria forequity and safety and include as stand-alone scoring elements
The Equity Pilot Program would be funded through a set aside of 5% of PSRC’s Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funds. PSRC would work with its new Equity Advisory Committee(External link) on the development and parameters of this program beginning in July 2022.
The public comment period for the proposed changes to PSRC's Policy Framework for Federal Funds is now closed.
In early 2021, an ad hoc task force of PSRC board members was established to review the policy framework for PSRC’s federal transportation funding process in 2022.
Among other things, the Project Selection Task Force has made the following recommendations:
Develop an Equity Pilot Program
Strengthen criteria forequity and safety and include as stand-alone scoring elements
The Equity Pilot Program would be funded through a set aside of 5% of PSRC’s Federal Highway Administration Surface Transportation Block Grant Program funds. PSRC would work with its new Equity Advisory Committee(External link) on the development and parameters of this program beginning in July 2022.
Public Comment Period
Proposed Changes to Funding Program has finished this stage
December 15, 2021 - January 5, 2022
Transportation Policy Board Meeting
Proposed Changes to Funding Program is currently at this stage
On January 13, 2022, the Transportation Policy Board will review public comments and make a recommendation to the Executive Board
Executive Board Meeting
this is an upcoming stage for Proposed Changes to Funding Program
The Executive Board is expected to adopt the revised 2022 Policy Framework for PSRC's Federal Funds on January 27, 2022